Thursday, October 10, 2024

Musang King Durian: A Malaysian Delicacy Crowned with Geographical Indication

Do you know how to identify Musang King durian?

In the lush landscapes of Malaysia, where the climate is as diverse as its culture, grows a fruit that has transcended its humble beginnings to become a global sensation. The Musang King durian, known locally as Raja Kunyit, is not just a fruit; it's a symbol of Malaysian pride and agricultural prowess. This blog post delves into the journey of Musang King from its origin to its recognition as a geographical indication in 2014, a testament to its unparalleled quality and unique provenance.

The Origins of Musang King Durian

The world of durians, often reverred as "King of Fruits," is rich with variety and history, none more fascinating than the tale of Musang King, a variety that has taken the fruit market by storm. At the heart of this durian dynasty is the Raja Kunyit which literally means turmeric king.

The durian was originally given the name "Kunyit" by Chung Chun Seng, the founder of this durian tree in the late 18th century, according to The Star. Before the tree died, Wee Chong Beng planted this durian in Tanah Merah, Kelantan. The Department of Agriculture registered the durian variety as D197 and acknowledge Wee Chong Beng as the breeder.

The durian gained popularity, and it is  grown in Gua Musang. Tan Lai Fook brought a branch of Raja Kunyit tree from Gua Musang and grafted it to his durian tree in Raub, according to Wong Pui Yan, a researcher. Tan called it 'mao sheng wang' (毛生王).

Tina Chong: The Musang Queen

Tina Chong Yok Fong from Gua Musang, a formidable figure in the durian industry, played a pivotal role in popularizing the Musang King name, according to Berita Harian. The Chinese term 'mao shan wang' (猫山王) which literally means civet king is also promoted. Her dedication to the cultivation and promotion of this variety has earned her the moniker "Musang Queen." Tina's efforts in transitioning her orchard to predominantly Musang King trees have significantly contributed to the variety's fame and the high regard it holds today.

The Crowning Glory: Geographical Indication

In a move that solidified Musang King's status, the Malaysian government registered it as a geographical indication (GI) on March 13, 2014. This registration under GI2014-00001 recognizes the durian's specific geographical origin and the qualities that arise from it. The GI protects the name Musang King, ensuring that only durians grown in Malaysia that meet the stringent quality standards can bear this prestigious title.

The Musang King Experience

Musang King durians are celebrated for their buttery texture, robust flavor, and a hint of bitterness that durian aficionados cherish. The durian's husk is a dusky green with a distinctive star shape at the bottom, and its flesh—a deep, vibrant yellow—delivers a taste experience that is both complex and satisfying.

A Fruit with a Future

The Musang King durian's journey from a local delicacy to an internationally recognized brand is a narrative of Malaysian innovation and dedication. As the durian continues to captivate palates around the world, the geographical indication serves as a promise of quality and authenticity—a promise that Malaysia proudly upholds.

As we celebrate the Musang King, we also acknowledge the individuals like Wee Chong Beng, Tan Lai Fook and Tina Chong, whose passion and hard work have propelled this fruit to global acclaim. The Musang King durian is not just a fruit; it's a legacy that Malaysia will cherish and protect for years to come.

Friday, May 10, 2024

What Technology Managers Need to Know When Using Microsoft’s AI Tools - Assurances from Microsoft CEO

In the rapidly evolving world of artificial intelligence (AI), technology managers are increasingly tasked with navigating a complex intellectual property (IP) landscape. As AI systems become more integral to business operations, understanding the nuances of software and copyright protection is paramount. In the recent keynote address of Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella in Malaysia on 2 May 2024, he gave several assurances that users can trust Microsoft AI tools.

Satya announcing USD2.2bil investment for cloud and AI in Malaysia

The first principle to consider is that “Your data is your data.” This tenet is foundational to the ethical development and deployment of AI technologies. It ensures that the data generated by an organization remains its property. This approach respects the proprietary nature of data and the competitive advantage it can confer.

 Why Excluding User Data from AI Training is Important

The use of user data for training AI models has become a topic of significant ethical and legal debate. The crux of the issue lies in the balance between technological advancement and protection of data rights.

One of the primary concerns is the risk of data leak. AI systems, especially those employing large language models (LLMs), require vast amounts of data to learn and make predictions. If user data is used without consent, it could lead to unauthorized access to sensitive information, potentially resulting in identity theft, fraud, or other forms of cybercrime.

Satya provides assurances over Microsoft AI tools

Another critical aspect is indemnification against copyright litigation. As AI systems can generate content or perform tasks that may inadvertently infringe on existing copyrights, it is essential to have measures in place that protect users from legal repercussions.

Microsoft deploys a range of AI tools including Copilot, Azure and Dynamics 365. Copilot, which uses OpenAI's ChatGPT, is currently deployed in Bing, Windows, Office and GitHub ecosystem.

For technology managers, the intersection of AI and legal considerations presents both challenges and opportunities. By prioritizing data ownership, protection, indemnification, compliance, and ethics, managers can navigate the legal landscape effectively. As AI continues to shape the future of business, a proactive approach to these legal aspects will be a defining factor in the success and sustainability of AI initiatives.

In conclusion, the legal landscape of AI is intricate and dynamic. Technology managers must be vigilant and informed to ensure that their AI strategies are not only innovative but also legally sound and ethically responsible. By doing so, they can lead their organizations confidently into the future, leveraging the power of AI while upholding the highest legal and ethical standards.

Satya's full address in KL. He provides his assurances at 34:10


This article serves as a guide for technology managers to understand and address the legal complexities of AI. It is not intended as legal advice. For specific legal concerns, consult with a qualified attorney.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Stop Fake Products From Draining Your Profits: Remove Counterfeits in Shopee & Lazada

In today's booming e-commerce landscape, Shopee and Lazada are powerhouses for Malaysian businesses. But with this success comes a dark side – counterfeiting. Fake products not only damage your brand reputation but also steal your hard-earned profits. Here at Boon IP, we understand the frustration and can help you fight back.

The Problem of Counterfeits

Counterfeits hurt brand image, customer trust, and sales. Counterfeits are made with inferior materials and lack the quality control of genuine products. When customers receive an imitation, they associate that negative experience with your brand, even if they bought a fake.

Why Shopee & Lazada Removals?

Removing counterfeits on online platform is not just about protecting brands, it's about creating a trustworhy and positive experience for everyone involved. It benefits brands by ensuring a fair marketplace, protects customers from low-quality products and ultimately strengthens Shopee's & Lazada's reputation as a leading e-commerce platform.

Boon IP's Counterfeit Removal Service:

Our service involves identifying the seller and counterfeit products, crafting effective takedown notices, and handling communication with the platforms. Clients can focus on their business by saving time and effort.

Contact us for a free consultation to discuss specific needs and how Boon IP can help.
  • Tel: 03-27262554 and visit website (

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Why Air Asia Wants to List Its Brand in Nasdaq

Air Asia, the low-cost airline based in Malaysia, has announced its intention to list its brand in Nasdaq, the US stock exchange that hosts many technology companies. The move is part of the company's strategy to monetize its intellectual property (IP) assets and diversify its revenue streams.

According to Air Asia, its brand is valued at US$1.15 billion. The company has a separate entity, called Capital A International, that will own and manage the brand and other IP assets. Capital A International will then seek a listing in Nasdaq through SPAC merger, while the airline business will remain listed in Malaysia under the name of Capital A Berhad.

But why would Air Asia want to list its brand in Nasdaq? What are the benefits and challenges of such a move? Here are some possible reasons:

- To access a larger and more diverse pool of investors. Nasdaq is one of the largest and most liquid stock markets in the world, with a market capitalization of over US$20 trillion. By listing its brand in Nasdaq, Air Asia can tap into a wider and more sophisticated investor base that values innovation and growth. This could help the company raise more capital and increase its valuation.

- To unlock the value of its IP assets. By creating a separate entity for its IP assets and listing it in Nasdaq, Air Asia can unlock the value of its intangible assets and generate more revenue from licensing, franchising, and partnerships. This could also create a positive spillover effect for its airline business, as it can benefit from the increased brand awareness and reputation.

In conclusion, listing its brand in Nasdaq is a bold and ambitious move by Air Asia to monetize its IP assets. The move could bring many benefits for the company, such as access to more capital and investors, and unlocking of the value of its IP assets.

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Dana IP 2.0 bagi 2024 telah Buka untuk Pemfailan Harta Intelek

Dana IP 2.0 bagi 2024 telah buka untuk permohonan harta intelek. Dana IP 2.0 adalah inisiatif yang dilancarkan oleh Perbadanan Harta Intelek Malaysia (MyIPO) untuk membantu usahawan dan penemu dalam memfailkan permohonan harta intelek (IP) di Malaysia dan luar negara. Dana IP 2.0 menawarkan bantuan kewangan bagi setiap permohonan IP yang layak, termasuk cap dagangan, paten, reka bentuk perindustrian dan hak cipta. Tujuan dana ini adalah untuk menggalakkan inovasi dan kreativiti di kalangan rakyat Malaysia, serta meningkatkan kesedaran dan penghargaan terhadap nilai IP.

Dana IP 2.0 mempunyai beberapa syarat kelayakan yang perlu dipenuhi oleh pemohon, antara lain:

- Pemohon mestilah warganegara Malaysia atau syarikat SME yang berdaftar di Malaysia.

- Pemohon mestilah mempunyai idea atau produk yang baru, asli dan berpotensi komersial.

Pemohon yang berminat boleh mengemukakan permohonan secara dalam talian melalui portal MyIPO di atau menghubungi talian khidmat pelanggan MyIPO di 03-2299 8400 untuk maklumat lanjut.

Dana IP 2.0 adalah peluang yang baik untuk usahawan dan penemu yang ingin melindungi hak mereka terhadap idea atau produk mereka, serta meningkatkan daya saing dan kebolehjalan mereka di pasaran tempatan dan antarabangsa. 

Boon IP merupakan sebuah syarikat yang menyediakan perkhidmatan pengurusan paten untuk pelbagai jenis projek inovasi. Syarikat ini telah berjaya membantu banyak pihak, termasuk institusi pendidikan, syarikat swasta dan individu, untuk mendapatkan pembiayaan dan perlindungan undang-undang bagi hasil kerja mereka. Antara contoh kejayaan Boon IP yang dapat kelulusan paten melalui Dana IP ialah: 

- Paten MY187491A Kolej Vokasional Slim River 'Lock Reminder for Motorcycle Steering'

- Paten MY187619A Institut Kemahiran Belia Negara Kuala Perlis 'An Apparatus for Holding Impact Wrench' 

- Paten MY197556A Institut Kemahiran Tinggi Belia Negara Temerloh 'Tool for Removal and Installation of Valve Pin'

- Paten MY185349A Noor Arjuna 'Device for Gripping and Storing Miswak Sticks'

Boon IP telah memberikan nasihat dan bantuan profesional dalam proses permohonan dan pendaftaran paten, tanpa mengenakan sebarang bayaran tambahan. Oleh itu, jangan lepaskan peluang ini dan mohon sekarang!

Monday, January 22, 2024

MyIPO Launches IPR Marketplace 2.0 Portal

On January 18, 2024, the Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (MyIPO) launched the IPR Marketplace 2.0 portal, a platform that connects intellectual property (IP) owners, buyers, investors and service providers. The portal aims to facilitate the commercialization and valuation of IP assets in Malaysia and beyond.

Screenshot of IPR Marketplace 2.0 Portal (

MyIPO charman, Dr Mohd Zuhan hopes that this platform will encourage collaboration between local entrepreneurs and potential parties in the global market. 

The IPR Marketplace 2.0 portal offers various features and benefits for its users, such as:

- A searchable database of IP assets for sale, licensing or investment opportunities

- A directory of IP valuers

- A dashboard that allows users to manage their IP portfolio and transactions

The portal also provides access to various resources and tools, such as:

- A guide on how to use the portal and its features

- A blog that shares news, updates and insights on IP-related topics

The IPR Marketplace 2.0 portal is open to anyone who is interested in IP, whether they are IP owners, buyers, investors or service providers. Users can register for free and start browsing, listing or contacting other users on the portal.

Screenshot of IP Valuer, Dennis Tan

As one of the IP valuers listed on the portal, I am excited to be part of this initiative and to offer my expertise and services to the IP community. I believe that the portal will help to create a vibrant and dynamic IP market in Malaysia and beyond, and to unlock the potential value of IP assets for the benefit of the economy and society.

If you are interested in learning more about the IPR Marketplace 2.0 portal or want to register as a user, please visit You may also engage us by visiting

Monday, September 4, 2023

How Malaysia Plans to Achieve High-Tech Industrialization by 2030

Malaysia is a developing country that aims to become a high-tech industrialized nation by 2030. To achieve this goal, the government has launched the New Industrial Master Plan (NIMP) 2030, which outlines the strategies and actions to transform the country's industrial sector. 

The NIMP 2030 is different from the previous industrial master plans, as it adopts a mission-based approach that focuses on four key areas: advancing economic complexity, teching up for a digitally vibrant nation, pushing for net zero, and safeguarding economic security and inclusivity. 

Here are some of the highlights of the NIMP 2030 and what they mean for Malaysia's industrial development. 

Enhancing Economic Complexity

Economic complexity refers to the diversity and sophistication of a country's productive capabilities and exports. A higher economic complexity indicates a higher level of knowledge, technology and innovation in the economy.

The NIMP 2030 aims to increase Malaysia's economic complexity index (ECI) from 1.07 in 2021 to 1.5 by 2030, to be on par with developed countries.

To do this, Malaysia has identified several potential clusters that can be developed, such as electrical and electronics, machinery and equipment, aerospace, medical devices, renewable energy, biotechnology, halal products, and creative industries. 

Another key strategy is to increase the research expenditure to 3.5% of GDP by 2030, which would boost the innovation capacity and competitiveness of the industries. The plan also aims to strengthen the linkages between universities, industry and government to foster collaborative research and development.

One of the enablers for research and innovation is intellectual property (IP), which protects and rewards the creators of new knowledge and technology. The NIMP 2030 recognizes the importance of IP for industrial development and aims to improve the IP system in Malaysia.

Some of the initiatives include digitizing and accelerating IP applications; facilitating IP commercialization and monetization; and strengthening IP enforcement and protection.

Building SME's Capacity

Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are the backbone of Malaysia's economy, accounting for 98.5% of business establishments, 38.9% of GDP, 48.4% of employment and 17.9% of exports in 2021.

The NIMP 2030 aims to enhance SMEs' capacity and resilience by helping them to upgrade their products, processes and business models; diversity their markets and customer segments; increase their productivity and efficiency; improve their quality and standards; adopt digitalization and automation; and integrate into regional and global value chains.

Some of the initiatives include providing technical assistance and advisory services; facilitating access to technology platforms and solutions; offering training and upskilling programs; and supporting branding and marketing activities.

Embracing ESG Principles

Environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles are a set of criteria that measure a company's performance on sustainability issues such as environmental protection, social responsibility, human rights, diversity, ethics and corporate governance. 

The NIMP 2030 aims to embrace ESG principles as a core value of Malaysia's industrial development by promoting green growth, social inclusion and good governance across all sectors and industries.

Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry

Some of the initiatives include implementing low-carbon policies and measures; encouraging renewable energy generation and consumption; reducing waste generation and increasing recycling rates; enhancing environmental management and compliance; ensuring fair labour practices and decent work conditions; supporting social enterprises and community development; improving corporate transparency and accountability; combating corruption and fraud; and strengthening stakeholder engagement and participation.


The NIMP 2030 is a comprehensive and ambitious plan that aims to transform Malaysia's industrial sector into a high-tech, high-value and high-impact engine of growth for the country. By enhancing economic complexity, creating supportive ecosystems, building SME's capacity and embracing ESG principles, the plan hopes to achieve Malaysia's vision of becoming a high-tech industrialized nation by 2030.